Tuesday 30 June 2020

Wisconsin boaters find bear with plastic jug stuck on its head, swimming in lake

Wisconsin boaters find bear with plastic jug stuck on its head, swimming in lake

But when a boating family encountered a young bear struggling to stay afloat with a plastic jug stuck on its head in the middle of Marshmiller Lake in Wisconsin Saturday, they pulled up alongside it, removed the jar and watched it safely swim ashore.


Texas bar owners sue Gov. Abbott over coronavirus restrictions: 'It's discrimination'

Texas bar owners sue Gov. Abbott over coronavirus restrictions: 'It's discrimination'

The Texas Bar and Nightclub Association (TBNA) announced Tuesday that it's suing the state over Gov. Greg Abbott's coronavirus restrictions that were implemented just days ago, following a resurgence in COVID-19 cases.


The Real Lessons of Telfar, Kanye and the Gap

By Unknown Author from NYT Style https://ift.tt/3dLvMuv

Tiny Love Stories: ‘I See the Worst of Myself in Her’

By Unknown Author from NYT Style https://ift.tt/2Zo8aXJ

Blind date photo shoot charms Facebook users: 'Their chemistry was amazing'

Blind date photo shoot charms Facebook users: 'Their chemistry was amazing'

Would you have guessed it was a blind date?


Fighting Over Masks in Public Is the New American Pastime

By BY JONAH ENGEL BROMWICH from NYT Style https://ift.tt/3eOHKVp

Instagram influencer shows off cellulite in untouched, viral swimsuit photo

Instagram influencer shows off cellulite in untouched, viral swimsuit photo

Every body is a swimsuit body, and one positive fitness blogger is celebrating just that.


Academia Lives — on TikTok

By BY KRISTEN BATEMAN from NYT Style https://ift.tt/31u8BCv

Effortless summertime hair tips when you can't get to a salon

Effortless summertime hair tips when you can't get to a salon

NYC-based hair stylist Kali Ferrara spoke to Fox News about the easiest, and most stylish, ways to manage your hair this season.


Heartwarming photos show mom, dad hugging son for first time after 3 month separation because of coronavirus

Heartwarming photos show mom, dad hugging son for first time after 3 month separation because of coronavirus

This is the heart-warming moment a self-isolating nurse was able to hold her two-year-old son for the first time after being forced apart for 11 weeks.


Sunday 28 June 2020

TikTok Is Shaping Politics. But How?

By BY JOHN HERRMAN from NYT Style https://ift.tt/3dAZUZn

Vets warn that fireworks noise could be deadly to some pets

Vets warn that fireworks noise could be deadly to some pets

Veterinarians are pleading for an end to the nightly roar of fireworks in New York City, warning that the loud blasts could cause more than just anxiety for pets — it could be fatal.


Saturday 27 June 2020

Supporters raise over $60G for Starbucks barista blasted by ‘Karen’ attempting to flout mask mandate

Supporters raise over $60G for Starbucks barista blasted by ‘Karen’ attempting to flout mask mandate

Supporters raised over $60 thousand for a Starbucks barista in San Diego who stood up to a woman attempting to flout a mask mandate and then threatening to call the police because he wouldn't serve her. 


Welcome to Your School Reunion! No Name Tags Required

By BY RUTH LA FERLA from NYT Style https://ift.tt/3dynNRq

People in quarantine may be experiencing 'skin hunger' due to genetics, study suggests

People in quarantine may be experiencing 'skin hunger' due to genetics, study suggests

You don’t know what you got till it’s gone.


Friday 26 June 2020

Unilever to remove terms like 'whitening' from beauty products, rename Fair & Lovely line

Unilever to remove terms like 'whitening' from beauty products, rename Fair & Lovely line

The consumer products giant is dropping terms like “whitening,” “lightening” and “fair” from its marketing language in Floyd death fallout


These Teen Girls Are Fighting for a More Just Future

By BY JESSICA BENNETT from NYT Style https://ift.tt/3dC3HFM

How Jennifer Crawford’s Rural Fantasy Became a Reality

By BY IVY KNIGHT from NYT Style https://ift.tt/2A5TB2l

Man shed nearly 300 pounds, credits massive weight loss with helping him beat coronavirus, find love

Man shed nearly 300 pounds, credits massive weight loss with helping him beat coronavirus, find love

An obese man has shed more than 294 pounds which has helped him beat coronavirus - and find love, he says.


How to properly wash a swimsuit

How to properly wash a swimsuit

If you’re lucky to spend most of the summer in a swimsuit, you’re lucky enough -- but do you know how to best care for the delicate garment?


Wednesday 24 June 2020

Modern Love Podcast: Zawe Ashton Reads ‘Confronting Race, Religion and Her Heart’

By Unknown Author from NYT Style https://ift.tt/3hZ1s2V

Massive bee hive found in newly bought house stolen: 'I’m absolutely heartbroken'

Massive bee hive found in newly bought house stolen: 'I’m absolutely heartbroken'

Not even the bees are safe.


It’s Time to End Racism in the Fashion Industry. But How?


Round cat with extreme scoliosis charms social media

Round cat with extreme scoliosis charms social media

This chubby cat is getting some big love online.


Greg Glassman, Embattled Owner of CrossFit, to Sell His Company

By BY KATHERINE ROSMAN from NYT Style https://ift.tt/3hWc3f1

It May Be Time to Dust Off Your Roller Skates

By BY TAYLOR LORENZ from NYT Style https://ift.tt/2Z9gZ7w

'Cringiest' wedding moments go viral on Reddit with one Disney-themed moment leaving readers 'horrified'

'Cringiest' wedding moments go viral on Reddit with one Disney-themed moment leaving readers 'horrified'

We are gathered here today to witness the most uncomfortable moments in wedding history.


Coronavirus has changed how Tinder users communicate; less focus on sex talk

Coronavirus has changed how Tinder users communicate; less focus on sex talk

Tinder says many of those looking for love have altered their approach in the wake of the outbreak of COVID-19.


Saying Goodbye to Long Tall Sally

By BY JESSICA TESTA from NYT Style https://ift.tt/2Z4ty43

Despite Everything, the Mail Still Comes

By BY TOVE DANOVICH from NYT Style https://ift.tt/3evo9JY

Weird Times Call for Even Weirder Shoes

By BY NATHAN TAYLOR PEMBERTON from NYT Style https://ift.tt/2B46N8t

What to Do When You Need to Use a Public Bathroom During a Pandemic

By BY JEN GUNTER from NYT Style https://ift.tt/37TnwHE

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Paul Fortune, L.A. Designer to the Stars, Dies at 69

By BY GUY TREBAY from NYT Style https://ift.tt/3hSZqkN

Tiny Love Stories: “I Googled ‘Crisis’”

By Unknown Author from NYT Style https://ift.tt/2NAT8IR

Will the Last Confederate Statue Standing Turn Off the Lights?

By BY EZRA MARCUS from NYT Style https://ift.tt/37Sb76P

Dozens of Women in Gaming Speak Out About Sexism and Harassment


Masks Keep Us Safe. They Also Hide Our Smiles.

By BY JACEY FORTIN from NYT Style https://ift.tt/31azhb5

It’s a Wonderful Time to Be Leslie Jordan

By BY LINDSEY UNDERWOOD from NYT Style https://ift.tt/3hRvmG9

Goodbye, Pedicures. Hello, Peels.

By BY LAUREN MECHLING from NYT Style https://ift.tt/37QKMWL

Rick Owens Stitches a Souvenir

By BY GUY TREBAY AND SAMANTHA HAHN from NYT Style https://ift.tt/2YZWw59

Monday 22 June 2020

Michigan hairstylists say they’re targeted for breaking coronavirus orders

Michigan hairstylists say they’re targeted for breaking coronavirus orders

Personal-care businesses were permitted to reopen in early June.


How Chappell Roan’s Stylist Turned Her Into a Creepy Swan (Twice)

By Callie Holtermann from NYT Style https://ift.tt/iMNVYk6